a moisturizing foundation that leaves a beautiful finish with a light glow features a light texture that does not feel on the skin fall into pores or emphasize peeling contains 30% of moisturizing & soothing ingredients to take care of skin seaweed extracts regulates the hydro-lipid balance & helps reduce the depth of wrinkles hyaluronic acid provides long-term & intensive moisturizing of the skin protects it from dehydration & formation of premature wrinkles heals wounds & cracks collagen hydrolyzate helps even out micro relief improves skin elasticity & easily tightens the face oval & tone up skin sunflower oil nourishes & softens skin evening primrose oil has an anti-inflammatory effect reduces redness & makes skin velvety extract of portulaca plantain improves skin tone accelerates the healing of wounds & cracks offers a good covering power to hides redness vessel network & pigmentation powered by high sun protection factor: spff50+ pa++++
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